We file trademark and patent applications
Intellectual Property law services
- Trademark searches by text
- Legal opinion of trademark searches
- Foreign trademark searches
- Patent searches

- Local and foreign trademark applications
- Filing of opposition and appeals
- Nonuse cancellation petitions
- Requests for Copies of Trademark Documents
- Applications for renewal
- Assignments, change of name and address
- Filing of trademark nullity actions
- Patentability analysis
- Filing of local and foreign patent applications
- Filing of opposition and appeals
- Drafting patent specification
- Payment of maintenance fees

- Registration of domain names
- All extension availables (.com, .com.uy, .uy, .org, .eth, etc.)
- Domain assignments
- SSL certificate management
IP Portfolios
- Management of IP Porfolios
- Management of trademark Portfolios
- Management of patent Portfolios
- Defense of patent Portolios
- Defense of trademark Portfolios

Contact us
Contact the firm by filling out the form below. Please allow a reasonable time for a response.